Sunday, May 30, 2010

Special Needs Orphanage

Yesterday we went to a special needs school, but it was not what I expected it to be at all. I was told it was also and orphanage where parents abandoned their children with special needs, but this was not the case. The goal of the school is to create and atmosphere where special needs children are integrated with abled children. They want these children to return back to their families and hometowns for holidays and once they are done with school.

There were some children there, but they did not all have a disability, some were just boarding there, so we were able to spend time with some children, but not all of them were there because it was a Sunday. I did meet two girls. One was blind and the other had not arms. They were best friends. The girl without arms was the eyes and the girl that was blind had the eyes. It was so sweet to watch these girls interact.

Once we were done at the school, we went to Lake Victoria to eat lunch and spend time there to relax. Then we went to the Chairman of MUBS' country home for a nice dinner and reception.

Tonight we have another reception where we will probably be meeting the Prime Minister!

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